The journey to being published. Theory. Practice. Practice. Practice. Science Fiction. Fantasy. Pop Culture. Life.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Friends of Genre Convention, the First!

This last weekend was spent up in San Francisco at FOGCon (although we didn't have a bit of fog!) I was very much looking forward to this con for several reasons. I totally love that I, a newbie at this whole writing/congoing thing, could attend the very first year of a convention. Tickled me pink.

What's more, it's a con centered in my city. Loves it.

I actually took the train to SF, which I haven't done in years. It was... humid. But I passed the time chipping away at Pat Rothfuss' "The Wise Man's Fear." Good start to a good con. Met up with my sister, who was generous enough to host me, and then off I went to registration and a workshop with Vylar Kaftan. We had a good time during that hour. We responded to a variety of prompts, some of which left me giggling.

I spent the afternoon ducking in and out of panels and saying hello to the few congoers I recognized (namely, miss Amy and her husband). The highlight of the whole con had to be Friday evening's tapas party. It was delicious, revitalizing and FUN! We sat at a tiny table with some great folks.

I came back on Saturday morning and met up with my father before my reading. As part of Broad Universe's RFR, I read a very short children's story. It was fun and the other readers were great! My dad stuck around for part of the afternoon, and I frittered away the evening at panels and suite parties.

All in all, I very much enjoyed FOGCon, more so than Potlatch. It's so different from NASFIC that I can't really compare the two. Next up? Westercon64 in July. The door just keeps revolving...

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