The journey to being published. Theory. Practice. Practice. Practice. Science Fiction. Fantasy. Pop Culture. Life.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Review: The Goddess Test

Hey look! A photo!

Aimée Carter's debut novel, The Goddess Test, is a fun, well written modernization of the Hades/Persephone myth. This story kept me guessing until the very last page! A very enjoyable, speedy read. Oh, and did I mention that I am buds with the author? Total cool factor.

Congratulations to Aimée on her debut, and all her hard work!

If you want a chance to have a character named after you in the third book of this series, head on over to her blog!


  1. I have this sitting on my nightstand! I must read it now. I've heard it is fantastic. Nice to meet you! :)

  2. Hi Chantele! So nice to meet you too :) Let me know what you think when you finish The Goddess Test!
